Warsztaty z Magdaleną Woskowicz. Fot. z materiałów Art Stations Foundation.
the Artistic Foundation PERFORM in association with Warsaw’s Centre for Contemporary Art – Ujazdowski Castle and the W. Broniewski MDK Culture House [Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury, ul. Łazienkowska 7].
Put forward by American dancer and choreographer Steve Paxton, Contact Improvisation (CI) is a form of dance using the physical contact between dancers as a starting point for improvisation. In CI dancing is spontaneous, creative, and the body becomes a means to search and discover new qualities of movement. CI assumes that everyone possesses his or her own unique properties for dance movement and everyone may develop them.
Warsaw Flow 2013 will last until 11 July offering an array of unique events and plenty of novelties: world-class teachers from Poland and abroad, new activities such as open warm-upandopen space(space open for suggestions from the festival’s participants), as well as site specificandnature work(work is public spaces and in natural surroundings).
What is more, at the weekend of 6-7 July, Warsaw Flow will offer open workshops of the Zielony Jazdów / Green Jazdow programme (in the park surrounding the Centre for Contemporary Art – Ujazdowski Castle), and evening jam sessions in the Laboratory building, where all volunteers will be able to talk or explore CI dancing together.
As always, the festival will not go without performative projects. On 10 July the audience will be treated to a round of improvisation by the teachers of this year’s Warsaw Flow and professional groups dealing with CI and improvisation as an artistic method.
Warsaw Flow will officially open on 5 July at 8 pm at the W. Broniewski MDK Culture House [Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury, ul. Łazienkowska 7].
Detailed info:
Description of the festival to download
Małgorzata Gajdemska
malgorzata.gajdemska@gmail.com,info@perform.org.pl; tel. +48 695763 008
Open events of the Zielony Jazdów / Green Jazdow series
Saturday, 6.07.2013
11:00-13:00 – Body work/Paulina Święcańska
14:00-16:00 – Laboratory of Movement /Jonathan Megaw (UK)
14:00-16:00 – Laboratory of Movement/ site specific/ Otto Akkennon (FIN)
Sunday, 07.07.2013
11:00-13:00 – Body work/ nature/Małgorzata Pianowska
14:00-16:00 – Laboratory of Movement /Jonathan Megaw (UK)
14:00-16:00 – Laboratory of Movement/ site specific/ Otto Akkennon (FIN)