Photo: Régis Golay (FEDERAL).
On Saturday, 14 December (8 pm) Pro Helvetia – the Swiss Arts Council and Nowy Teatr present a contemporary dance production by Cie 7273. InTarab a group of ten dancers moves in the style known asFUITTFUITT and created by Cie 7273, generating an ornamental dance full of virtuosity, in which themovement unfolds in an uninterrupted flowwithout repeating itself and is guided by the rhythm of Sir Richard Bishop’s music characterised by Arabic and Andalusian accents.
The artists aimed at creating in the audience a desire for continuity of movement, and evoking all sorts of emotions – from the most covert to the most tumultuous ones. This exploration was filled with the curves and the flowing linksfound in Arabic calligraphy, to which they addedreferences belonging to the history of Westerndance. As a result Tarab is reminiscent of a hypnotic fresco in which the multitude of movements gives rise to ecstasy and freedom.
From the creators: “Tarab is akey concept of Arab culture. Itrefers to the emotion created by thecombination of poetry, music andspirituality. (…) Tarab could be compared togroove in funk, to swing in jazz, or toduende in flamenco. It’s that indefinableand inspired state of music that we willbring to this new work.”
The Swiss-French contemporary dance duo Compagnie 7273 was established more than ten years ago. Since then, choreographers Laurence Yadi and Nicolas Cantillon have created over fifteen productions together. Their performances, ranging from solo pieces to productions for twenty dancers, have been made in collaboration with Ballet du Grand Théâtre of Geneva or the Swatch art collection, among other partners. The company has won a range of awards, including Prix Suisse de la danse et de la Chorégraphie (2011), Prix de la fondation Lietchi pour les arts or Prix Choreographic captures de Joint adventures Tanzwerkstatt Europa.In Poland, their works have been shown e.g. at the Body/Mind Festival (2005, 2009), as part of the series “Plusy tańca” [Pluses of Dance] at the National Theatre in Warsaw or during the International Dance Theatres Festival in Lublin.Cie 7273 are eager to expand their choreographic experience by collaborating with dancers from different social, political and cultural backgrounds.
Tarabby Compagnie 7273 will be presented on 13 December 2013 at Nowy Teatr in Warsaw as part of a programme marking the closing of Pro Helvetia’s liaison office in Warsaw in 2014.
Choreography: Laurence Yadi, Nicolas Cantillon
Cast: Laurence Yadi, Luc Bénard, Nicolas Cantillon, Gildas Diquero, Ryan Djojokarso, Karima El Amrani, Victoria Hoyland, Lola Kervroedan, Aline Lopes, Margaux Monetti
Lighting:Patrick Riou,Musical composition, recording and mixing: Jacques Mantica,
Costumes: Olga Kondrachina,Artistic partners:Graziella Jouan, Sir Richard Bishop, Nicolas Field,Technical manager:Arnaud Viala, Documentary film makers:Ahmed Abdel Mohsen, Sandra Gisy, Donkeyshot Filmproduction, Communication, graphic design:Yona Lee (Design studio), Régis Golay (Federal)
Coproduced by: Association pour la Danse Contemporaine in Geneva, Arsenic in Lausanne, Gessnerallee in Zurich and Südpol w Lucerne, as part of the programme of Reso – Réseau Danse Suisse, with the support of Pro Helvetia and Ernst Göhner Stiftung.
The project is supported by: Loterie romande, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Corymbo Stiftung, Sophie und Karl Binding Stiftung,Pour-cent culturel Migros
Compagnie 7273 has been benefiting from the joint support of the City of Geneva, the Canton of Geneva and Pro Helvetia – the Swiss Arts Council for 2012-2014. Artistic residencies: CND-Centre National de la danse in Paris Pantin (France) and the Emad Eddin studio in Cairo (Egypt).Photo by: Régis Golay (FEDERAL)
More information:www.cie7273.com|www.prohelvetia.pl|www.nowyteatr.org
Tickets:PLN 40/30 (entry passes – PLN 25)
Tickets may be bought from Nowy Teatr’s box offices, on www.e-bilet.pl or at other points of sale in Warsaw. For details, go to:www.nowyteatr.org/pl/tickets