Fot, z materiałów Art Stations Foundation.
The second lecture in the “Points of Convergence” series – to be held at the MSN (ul.Emilii Plater 51) on Thursday, 20 February, at 6 pm – will be devoted to audiences and performance, and will be run by Professor Nicholas Ridout. The lecture attempts to sketch out some ideas that might assist in developing atheoretical history of performance spectatorship.
It begins by asking how the figure of the spectator – at the theatre, and in wider public situations – might help us understand the formation of subjectivity during the period of bourgeois ascendancy in Europe from the early eighteenth century. It suggests that contemporary experiences of spectatorship cannot fully be understood without acritical re-evaluation of this historical dimension.
The following day, ProfessorNicholas Ridout is will run a seminar (registration already closed).
Nicholas Ridout: theatre and performance art professor at Queen Mary University in London. In his academic research, his main focus is performance in the extended spectrum of the theatre as well as the links between theatre, live art, performance and economy, the theory of audience, participative art, the notion of interactivity and interpassivity.
Among his recent publications are: “Amateurs: Theatre, Communism and Love” (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2013), “Oman, Culture and Diplomacy” (with J. Jones, Edinburgh University Press, 2010), “Theatre and Ethics” (Palgrave MacMillan, 2009); moreover, Ridout is a co-editor of “Contemporary Theatres in Europe: A Critical Companion (London: Routledge, 2006) with J. Kelleher and of “Stage Fright, Animals, and Other Theatrical Problems” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006).
The cycle Points of covergence held at theMuseum of Modern Art in Warsaw is implemented in association with the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.
Cycle: Points of convergence
Hosted by: Paweł Mościcki.
Language: Lecture held in English