Photo: Magda Starowieyska.
On Friday, 20 September – the first day of the 12th International Contemporary Dance Festival Body/Mind – at 7 pm at Studio Theatre (Malarnia Stage) Kaya Kołodziejczyk is going to give a pre-premiere performance of her newest piece SOL. SOL stands for Shit Out of Luck and signifies a hopeless situation when one is left with no more options. In Latin „sol” means „the sun”, and in Nordic mythology it is the name of the goddess of Sun. “Sol” may also describe a Martian day or the G sound from which the musical solmization system takes its name. The artist began her work on the piece in 2013, exploring the aim of movement, the message that performance art communicates today and a critical reflection on new tendencies.
As a guest at Mad Brook Farm of Steve Paxton and Lisa Nelson, Kaya Kołodziejczyk had the chance to participate in workshops and get better acquainted with the work of the forerunners of contact improvisation. Going further in her research, she became interested in artists connected with the Back to Land movement, and she juxtaposed the idea of returning to nature with today’s artists’ need to isolate themselves in order to find creative focus (the example of Bread and Puppet Theatre). The piece is the outcome of her reflection on her artistic career to-date, as well as an attempt to cast a critical eye on how contemporary dance functions, from a formal point of view, a few decades after the revolution launched by the pioneers of post-modern dance.
Concept and choreography: Kaya Kołodziejczyk
Costume: Grzegorz Matląg – MALDOROR
Music: Sun Ra Space is the place
Kaya Kołodziejczykis a dancer and choreographer. She danced for Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, William Forsythe, Trisha Brown, Iwona Pasińska or Mariusz Treliński. Her own choreographies are: Audycja IV(music by Andrzej Krzanowski),Oh, Noh(music by Szymon Brzósk), Opera Harnasie(based on Krzesany by Wojciech Kilar and Harnasie by Karol Szymanowski). She is lecturer at HfMDK in Frankfurt am Main, P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, and guest teacher at a range of prominent theatres globally.
Supported by:Culture Centre in Lublin, MAAT Projekt Theatre, MAAT Festival – Lublin, and TRAFO – Trafostacja Sztuki in Szczecin. Coproduction: Body/Mind Foundation, APAP (Advancing Performing Arts Project), in association with the EU Culture Programme.
Original composition: Daniel Radtke
Lights direction: Herman Venderickx
Space arrangement: Magdalena Fela Jaszczuk
Photography: Magda Starowieyska