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On Sunday and Monday, 13 and 14 October (6 and 7 pm, respectively), as part of the 7th Dialog Festival, Polski Theatre in Wrocław (Świebodzki Stage, Plac Orląt Lwowskich 20C) is presenting a protest production of Spanish performance Angélica Liddell, who constructs her stage presence on the basis of simple, yet extremely intense actions.
During the 60-minute performance wewatch Liddell, who dances, drinks, hurts herself, laughs and hurls abuse.This set of simple gestures combined with poetic texts written by Liddell creates a very clear message by the artist, who uncompromisingly reveals the oppressive nature of contemporary culture dominated by omnipresent sexual violence against women. Angélica Liddell has been undoubtedly one of the most important revelations in world theatre in recent years.
written, directed and designed by: Angélica Liddell
lighting design: Carlos Marquerie
video: Vicente Rubio
lighting technician: Octavio Gómez
stage manager: África Rodríguez
technical director: Marc Bartoló
assistant producer: Mamen Adeva
executive producer: Gumersindo Puche
Angélica Liddell
premiere: 13 April 2005
duration: 60 minutes (no interval)
producer: Iaquinandi, S.L.
co-producer: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid
ANGÉLICA LIDDELL(b. 1966 in Figueres), awell-known name at the most important European festivals. Awinner of Leone d’argento per il Teatro (Silver Lion for Theatre) at the Venice Biennale in 2013. Aleading Spanish performer, playwright, actor and director. Agraduate in psychology and dramatic arts, in 1993 she founded Atra Bilis Teatro in Madrid. So far, she has staged twenty two productions with the company. In addition tostrictly theatrical works, Liddell writes poetry and prose. As an avant-garde, radical and uncompromising artist, she was initially pushed tothe margins, but when she presented her works outside Spain, she was soon noticed and won recognition. Today, Liddell’s productions are presented all over Europe as well as beyond its borders. Her works have been translated into many languages. Avignon, Paris, Vienna – these are places in which the famous performer can be most frequently seen.
“Liddell possesses the art of surprising us with shows that follow each other but don’t resemble each other. Each of her plays explores new horizons, presents the words of pain, and probes the ravages of the collective on the personal. Her shows are impossible toclassify: theatre, performance, choreography, music and video are inseparable in them. Angélica Liddell ‘stages’ words and bodies, hers and those of the actors, dancers, acrobats or musicians who accompany her. For the last 20 years she has been walking atight wire between reality and fiction, documentary and private confession, exuberance and meditation, rage and compassion, considering the stage aplace in which she constantly puts herself in danger.” [Omar Willey,The Seattlest]
All her recent works:El año de Ricardo(Richard’s Year),La casa de la fuerza(The House of Strength),Maldito sea el hombre que confía en el hombre(Cursed be the Man who trusts in Men) andTodo el cielo sobre la tierra: El síndrome de Wendy(All the Sky above the Earth: Wendy’s Syndrome) have been premiered at Festival d’Avignon, Wiener Festwochen or Odéon Théâtre de l’Europe in Paris, having been co-produced by these institutions. Angélica Liddell has been literally showed with awards. Her latest trophies include the already mentioned Silver Lion at the Venice Biennale (For her ability totransfer performative art tothe stage. For her theatre of resistance[…]) and the 2012 National Prize for Dramatic Literature forLa casa de la fuerza, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The most important among her earlier awards are: Casa de América Innovative Playwriting Award (2003), Lope de Vega Award (2007) or Valle-Inclán Award (2008).