Fot. Magdalena R. Charczuk.
April will see the launch of Laboratory of Movement [Laboratorium ruchu], a project realised as part of the European of Culture 2016 programme (curator: Adam Kamiński). The Laboratory brings together many institutions and communities, including the Impart 2016 Festival Office, Institute of Music and Dance, Centre of Artistic Initiatives, Wroclaw Mime Theatre, Momentum Association of Creative Initiative, ARTEO Association, as well as a range of ensembles and individual artists, dance theoreticians and critics, and organisations dealing with the culture of movement in its broadest sense. The project is to conclude in 2016.
Laboratory of Movement is an appeal to Wroclaw’s common imagination: the dancing activities, lectures, performances, and improvised dancing in urban spaces will trigger new interpretations of Wrocław’s past and present, and suggest new ways of approaching the art of motion, of urban space, and of urban choreography. The project’s objective is also to explore new areas embraced by contemporary choreography and dance theatre, propagating the work of Pina Bausch and Henryk Tomaszewski, two great personalities linked with Wrocław in different ways. The Laboratory aims to build an open platform for artists originating in different cultures and utilising expressive artistic language.
In April and May 2013 Laboratory of Movement presentsFernando Belfiore’s course Scripts of Everyday Life. As part of his residency stay in Wroclaw, the choreographerwill present his perception of the city. A city is a component of a multitude of things, memories, and signs. It is a space where exchange happens, meaning not only the exchange of goods, but also memories, words, feelings. During his course Belfiore will present a distinctive perspective on Wrocław, its architecture, culture, history and residents.
An important element of the course will be the analysis and discussion of the creative process in the context of evolving team work. Creative work utilising movement as its tool is therefore important not only in view of the intended artistic effect, but also of the personal development of its participants.
The group will learn basic technical elements appropriate for its profile, based on which further creative work will be done.
The project’s goal is to support the role of culture as a space where differences co-exist, and to set up channels of communication and artistic exchange between the artists of Poland, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, France, Chile, Span and Switzerland.
Fernando Belfioreis a Brazilian choreographer and performer. He studied at the Drama Arts School in Sao Paulo. Recently he graduated from the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. He teaches contact improvisation. Belfiore has been involved in joint projects with Deborah Hay, Ivaną Muller, Meg Stuart and Yoshito Ohno. He has showcased his work in Norway, Italy, Brazil and the Netherlands. Among his major achievements he lists his involvement in Jeremy Wade’s renownedPeaches does herself staged with great success at HAU 1 in Berlin. In his choreographies Fernardo Belfiore poses questions on the structure of power, the organisation of time and space, the relation between the human and the machine; he also explores the meaning of such terms as entertainment, industry and society.
Dates: 24 April-2 May 2013 /with an intermission from 26 to 28 April due to Fernando Belfiore’s participation in the Mandala Performance Festival/
Class hours: 20
Participation is free.
No. of participants limited /12 persons/
Tel: +48 505 963162
Venue: Centre of Artistic Initiatives [Centrum Inicjatyw Artystycznych]
ul. Tęczowa 79/81
53- 603 Wroclaw, Poland