Centre of Initiatives for Art

Zdjęcie: Centre of Initiatives for Art

Centrum Inicjatyw Artystycznych

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A new meeting place on Wroclaw’s cultural map has appeared – the Centre of Initiatives for Art. CIA was founded by members of Niezależna Manufaktura Taneczna Association (president: Ewa Staroń) and their artist-friends to present various fields, trends and movements in culture and art.


The Centre focuses on education and engagement of local communities, by organizing classes and workshops and allowing them to make contact with various fields of cultural activities. The organizers want to support artists and provide, both professionals with strong artistic position and amateurs taking their first steps in art activities, with a permanent place for work and performances.


The centre was created thanks to the work of the Association members, as well as friends-artists and volunteers. It cooperates with teachers, graduates and students of the State Drama School (PWST) in Wrocław, Academy of Music, Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology and Wrocław Jazz and Light Music School.


 It has dance/theatre spaces and smaller rooms for classes and workshops as well as performances, exhibitions and concerts.

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