Pracownia Teatru Tańca [Dance Theatre Studio]

Zdjęcie: Pracownia Teatru Tańca [Dance Theatre Studio]

Pracownia Teatru Tańca

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Pracownia Teatru Tańca (PTT, Dance Theatre Studio) was founded in 2001 and since then operates as part of the Culture and Education Centre in Zielona Góra, under the artistic leadership of Marek Zadłużny choreographer, professional dancer, pedagogue, dance researcher.

Dance Theatre Studios aesthetics juxtapose minimalism and organic movement, typical for physical theatre and several contemporary dance techniques. At the same time, the groups activities are based on structured improvisation, which determines the groups original, dynamic and powerful style of choreography. Dance Theatre Studios performances are always an outcome of creative co-operation and combine different languages of communication through art.

Currently, the repertory core of Dance Theatre Studio consists of eight people. The company has been presenting its performances at numerous prestigious art festivals in Poland and abroad for nine years now. The oldest Polish internet platform Dziennik Teatralny (Theatre Journal) in its summary of the 2016 artistic season, recognised Dance Theatre Studio as one of the most promising independent theatre companies.

Dance Theatre Studio core members: Magdalena Bębenek, Kalina Grupa, Kinga Górska, Natalia Zaleszczak, Agata Kierońska, Radosław Bajon, Gabriel Zaborniak, Marek Zadłużny

Practitioners: Karolina Gruca, Agata Hałubicka, Maja Kordek, Zofia Berlikowska, Julia Perzyńska, Magdalena Dobek, Kacper Rampold


Dance Theatre Studio organises MOVEMENT ZONE_ZG Festival, which belongs to the network of festivals organised in three cities: Słupsk, Toruń and Zielona Góra. MOVEMENT ZONE_ZG Festival grew out from the SPACE Festival, organised since 2010 by Anna Piotrowska and Marek Zadłużny. The SPACE Festival aimed at presenting contemporary dance performances and integrating the community of the broadly understood Polish contemporary dance. Each edition of the festival was different, reflecting the changes in the continuously transforming reality of the Polish dance culture. When Dance Theatre Studio entered into a close, partnership-based co-operation with Gabriela Keller-Janus (Enza Dance Theatre) from Słupsk and Joanna Miś-Fudali (Akro Dance Theatre) from Toruń, this resulted in the establishment of a dynamically developing network of festivals under the common brand of MOVEMENT ZONE. Currently, the MOVEMENT ZONE is a curatorial event, gathering professional and amateur members of the Polish dance community. The idea of the festival is to create space for groups and artists who devote themselves completely to dance and create performances, while often having a different profession.

The companys most notable achievements are, among others, the artistic residency in Viksjefors in Sweden, where Dance Theatre Studio performed their piece entitled 9.81 at DansPlats Skog Centre and PTACY at the international Dans Forum in Viksjefors (both presentations took place in June-July 2019). One should also mention that the company presented their work at Mandala Performance Festival in Wrocław (9.81 in June 2019) and STAMINA at the Theatre Festival POKOT in Międzyrzecze (in November 2018), where they were invited as a special guest. Dance Theatre Studio also co-organised Global Water Dances Poland and performed within it together with Iwona Wojnicka. Global Water Dances Poland was realised in Zielona Góra in June 2017, under the auspices of  Laban/Bartenieff Institute in New York. In 2016 Dance Theatre Studio received a special invitation from the Director of Piccolo Theatre from Cottbus to produce and present a new piece entitled Odyssey, which was created using only black light (UV light); Odyssey was presented at the International Puppet Theatre Festival (12. Cottbuser Puppenspielfest). In 2015 Dance Theatre Studio won the first jury prize and the youth jury prize for Shells, presented at the OFFMAT Theatre Festival 2015 in Cracow. Since 2012, Dance Theatre Studio continually presents their performances and site-specific works at the International Artistic Meetings EXPERIMENT in Zbąszyń.

Dance Theatre Studio co-organises the network of Dance Theatre Festivals MOVEMENT ZONE and as part of this co-operation, since 2011, regularly presents its performances in Słupsk and Toruń.

More information about the Dance Theatre Studio:


Video material devoted to the Dance Theatre Studio developed on the occasion of the companys 5th anniversary:

Links to critical reviews:

Dance Theatre Studio

Zielona Góra

tel.: (+48) 792 377 337





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