People of dance

Zdjęcie: Anna Wańtuch

Fot. Filip Wańtuch.

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Anna Wańtuch dancer, performer, teacher of dance, audiovisual education and Contakids. She graduated in philosophy and film studies from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, and completed instructors course in contemporary dance. In January 2016, she became the first certified Contakids teacher in Poland. 


In 20092011, she danced in the Cracovia Danza Court Ballet ensemble. While working there, she had the opportunity to collaborate with the Warsaw Chamber Opera (Matrimonio con variazioni, dir. Romana Agnel) and Piwnica Św. Norberta artistic group (Krakus concert/performance, dir. Andrzej Róg).


In 20032014, she worked in Katarzyna Skawińskas DF Dance Theatre in Cracow as a soloist. She was also assistant choreographer for the performances Luminesmachia and Yerba Mate. As part of the PPC (First Choreographic Attempts) project, she realised her original works: the third part of the triptych Mój Vincent (My Vincent) and Insomoya.


A resident of Dance Move Cities, an international project co-produced by the Cracow Theatre Reminiscences. During the residency, she took part in the workshops and projects of choreographers Phillipe Blanchard, Vera Mantero and Koen Augustijnen.


A participant in the Dramaturgy Forum with Christine de Smedt organised the Institute of Music and Dance. She took part in theatre workshops run by Cricot 2 Theatre actresses Marie Vayssiere and Ludmiła Ryba, which resulted in the performance Ożenek (The Marriage) based on Nikolai Gogols work. She also participated in performative workshops of Wojtek Ziemilski.


Wańtuch seeks opportunities for dancing and performing with a small child, which resulted in two Postnatal Project performances in 2012. She took part in the Family Affair project of the Zimmerfrei collective as part of the Warsaw Dance Stage 2015 (realised by the Body/Mind Foundation), where she performed together with her family and presented a new version of the Postnatal Project involving her son Wincenty.


Together with director Maria Kwiecień, she created an original interactive performance for one spectator, Słowa do tańca (Words for Dancing), which premiered in May 2016 at the 37th Festival of Stage Songs in Wrocław.


She has also developed choreography for a 3D painting by Ryszard Paprocki at the Glass Heritage centre in Krosno.


Miś-Fudali is involved in a range of projects aimed at promoting the art of dance and knowledge of it. Together with Katarzyna Skawińska and prof. Krystyna Wilkoszewska, she launched a series of workshops at the Institute of Aesthetics of the Jagiellonian University, in order to present the practical side to dance to theorists. She ran a series of original lectures Dance in the Eyes of Filmmakers, for the first time presented on the International Dance Day and during the Dance Nights in Cracow in 2010. The same year, she took part in the Baltic Movement Conference during the 2nd Gdańsk Dance Festival. She also lectured on the history of contemporary dance at many dance events, including the Roz-ruchy project at the Dworek Białoprądnicki Culture Centre in 2011, the Summer School of Contemporary Dance in Koszęcin in 2010, and in the Association for Arts and Artistic Education in Cracow.

Fot. Maria Kwiecień.
Fot. Marta Ankiersztejn.
Fot. Anna de Manincor.
Fot. Filip Wańtuch.
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